Changes to the No Smoking Laws in Wales

Changes to the No Smoking Laws in Wales

PYB Health would like to remind our patients and the wider community that as of 1st March new laws will be in place across Wales that build on the smoking ban first introduced in 2007.

The changes include making hospital grounds smoke free which will help to protect more people from harmful second-hand smoke and help those trying to quit.

“Preventing people smoking on our hospital grounds will promote healthier care environments, protect hospital users from harmful second-hand smoke and support those using NHS services to quit.”

Director of Public Health Dr Kelechi Nnoaham

The new law means that all parts of the hospital grounds will be smoke-free. There will be fines of £100 in place for anyone caught breaking the law by smoking in the hospital grounds.

The laws to make more places in Wales smoke-free will help set a good example to future generations. By de normalising smoking the hope is that it will reduce the chances and numbers of children and young people from starting to smoke in the first place. Other areas that are covered by the new law include areas where children and young people spend their time such as school grounds and public playgrounds, as well as the outdoor areas of children’s day care and childminding settings.

Covid-19 has motivated many smokers to give up for health reasons. There are lots of ways health can improve by quitting and it is hoped that these additional smoke-free areas will encourage even more people to stop smoking.

Quitting with support provides the best chance of stopping smoking for good. Those looking to quit smoking are encouraged to access Wales’ free NHS support service, Help Me Quit, on 0800 085 2219 or for help and support, including access to free stop smoking medication.