Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox is a mild condition that is common in childhood. Most children will catch it at some stage.

Read more about the symptoms of Chicken Pox here.

In This Section

Video support

If you are pregnant you should be aware of the risks of catching Chicken Pox from your child. Watch this video to find out more about Chicken Pox.


What To Do

Chicken pox rash on a child's back

If you think your child has Chicken Pox you will need to stay away from public areas while it is still infectious. It is infectious from “one to two days before the rash starts, until all the blisters have crusted over (usually five to six days after the start of the rash)” Reference, NHS Choices. 2016.

Learn about how to treat Chicken Pox here.

You do not necessarily need to see your GP as treatment can be purchased from the pharmacist.

Things to Remember

  • Chicken Pox is very common in children, so don’t be too alarmed.
  • You don’t necessarily need to see your GP if your child has Chicken Pox.

Word from our GP

 Contrary to common belief, there is no cure for chickenpox.
It is a virus which usually clears up by itself without any treatment.

Dr Kate Evans, Oak Tree Surgery