Coffee break with Dr Dawkins of Riversdale Surgery – The importance of safe sex

Coffee break with Dr Dawkins of Riversdale Surgery – The importance of safe sex

The PYB Health content team has taken 5 minutes out of Dr Dawkins’s busy day to understand the importance of practicing safe sex.

The importance of safe sex

Question: What are the most common STIs that you see?

Dr Dawkins: Chlamydia and Genital warts

Question: Is it only young people, or do the older generation take sexual risks also? 

Dr Dawkins: I see many young people already taking precautions by using barrier methods but sometimes the older generation assume that the prevalence of STIs in their age group is lower and so take less precautions. It is worrying as these assumptions can only lead to the spread of STIs. 

Question: Explain the process of going for STI testing?

Dr Dawkins: Our surgery can offer Chlamydia self testing and blood testing for HIV and Hepatitis but for a thorough more comprehensive array of tests I would always recommend the local GUM clinic.Ring 03005550279 to be directed to a clinic near (or far away from) you depending on your preference . 

Question: How long will it take? For example, could a person fit this in to a lunch hour?

Dr Dawkins: An appointment can take as little as 10 minutes. Some of the GUM clinics run in the evenings so you can attend after work.

Question: What are the main forms of treatment for the most common STIs?

Dr Dawkins: It really does depend on the diagnosis, but for example some  Chlamydia treatment takes only one day to administer the tablets  but precautions are needed afterwards until you are clear and your partner is also .

Question: What is the worst-case scenario long-term, for a person that has unprotected sex that goes un-treated?

Dr Dawkins: Irresponsible and careless sexual behavior can lead to STIs and blood borne viruses that can cause infertility and occasionally be life threatening if left untreated, e.g. Syphilis and HIV. Genital warts of the anus/cervix/larynx can lead to cancer.

Question: What is your key message on unprotected sex to your patients?

Dr Dawkins: It’s not worth the risk especially when you are not in a long term monogamous relationship or having casual sex with many partners , but it’s not too late to change, get checked out and draw a line under your risky behavior and start afresh when you get the all-clear.

Read more information on STIs here.