Temperature and Fever

When a person becomes unwell for a multitude of reasons, one common symptom can be a raised body temperature.

This can be very slight or dangerously high, dependent on the reason and the extent to the illness. 

Watch Dr Kletta’s advice video

Read here how to take a person’s temperature.

Other video support

High temperatures in children

It can be alarming for parents when their child has a high temperature. Remember that as a rule, a temperature of over 37.5C (99.5F) is classified as a fever.

Read more here about how to treat high temperature in children. 

You can also click here to learn how to spot the signs of serious illness. 

How to treat a high temperature

  • Take paracetamol at regular intervals as per pack instructions
  • Cool down your environment and remove clothing where possible
  • Take a cool shower or bath and apply cool compresses to the head
  • If symptoms persist seek medical advice to treat the underlying illness which will in turn treat the high temperature

Things to remember

  • It can be particularly dangerous for children to get a high temperature. Follow medical advice available to take steps to treat them at home. If symptoms persist or the temperature become dangerously high, seek medical advice immediately.
  • A high temperature should not always be a cause for concern. If symptoms are stand-alone they may pass quickly and be managed at home with over the counter paracetamol.

  High temperatures that persist are generally as a result of an infection within the body. You may need to see your GP for this.

Word from our GP

  If a high temperature is teamed with other symptoms such as drowsiness, dis-interest in food or fluids, or vomiting, it could be the sign of something more serious and you may need to see your GP.

Dr Parry, Riversdale Surgery