Look after your Mental Health

Look after your Mental Health

Coping with Stress - CoronavirusIt is important to acknowledge the role that Coronavirus having on our mental health. The current situation is likely to trigger mental health issues for a lot of different issues:

  • Despair
  • Increased health anxiety
  • Fear for loved ones lives
  • Decreased financial security
  • Mindset switch from “living “ to “survival”
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Decreased job security
  • Promotes social withdrawal
  • Loneliness

Quarantine/Self Isolation & Social distancing make it more difficult to distract oneself from existing mental health issues.

Coronavirus isn’t just threatening our physical health, but our mental health too.

So how can you look after your mental wellbeing?

We are all experiencing vast changes to our lives. For many, social distancing will be boring or frustrating. People will find their mood and feelings are affected and will feel low, worried or have problems sleeping.

At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make you feel worse.

There are simple things you can do that may help, to stay mentally and physically active during this time and to relieve stress such as:

1) Talking to friends and family

Pick up the phone or video call your family and friends. It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking about your feelings to people you trust and listening to how they feel will really help.

2) Watch less media coverage

At the moment it is easy to binge watch the news 24/7 or click on every new article on social media related to the corona virus but it can become information overload and is bad for your mental health. Try to limit the amount of coverage that you watch or the media posts that you read.

3) Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Look for ideas of exercises you can do at home on the NHS website 

Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly.

Keep your windows open to let in fresh air.

Get some natural sunlight if you can, or get outside into the garden.

You can also go for a walk outdoors if you stay more than 2 metres from others.


National Trust Parks and gardens are now FREE (café’s, houses and retail closed) so you can enjoy walking in the beautiful outdoor parks. Why not take a picnic?

4) Do something you enjoy

Spend time doing things you enjoy – this might include reading, cooking, other indoor hobbies or listening to the radio or watching TV programmes.

5) Deal with emotions positively

Avoid drinking, smoking and overeating as coping methods for negative emotions. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need to seek professional help you can contact the Mind charity.

There is now a Bridgend Coronavirus Support Group on facebook that you can join – Look out for positive stories and acts of kindness that will be taking place locally.

Always try and look for the good & if you can’t see any then try to be the good.

Doing helpful kind things for others is probably the best way to feel good about yourself. So try not to worry about what you can’t control and concentrate on what you can.

Look after yourself and each other.