PYB Health Hero Series: Beating Back Pain!

PYB Health Hero Series: Beating Back Pain!

Bridgend is a great community and we want to share local stories about our ‘PYB Health Heros’. Those who have made great achievements when it comes to their own health and wellbeing. And those, who encourage others to join in and make a difference to their own lives too.

In this edition of our PYB Health Heros we have a short Q&A session with Margaret Dunn, Secretary at Ashfield Surgery, and learn how she has beaten back pain through exercise.

1. Where are you from Margaret?


My name is Margaret and I live in Brackla in Bridgend, grew up in a little village called St Mary’s Church, Nr Cowbridge.

2. Is there anything about your story which particularly makes you a PYB Health Hero? How has in changed your health and wellbeing?

I am 40 years of age, I live with my fiancé Mark and two cats. I work in Ashfield Surgery and have been the secretary there since 2012. I started running at the age of 38 after a night out in Porthcawl with my work colleagues.

Since starting and taking part in Parkrun I have not suffered with my back. My partner and I have built a new group of friends and we are constantly meeting more especially when attending races.

3. Have you always kept fit?

I have always walked everywhere until I bought a car 3 years ago.

4. What do you like to do to keep fit? 

To keep fit I like to attend Porthcawl parkrun every Saturday, I like to attend spin classes during the week at the local leisure centre and I also like attending the gym. If I can get out in my lunch hour, I like to walk to wherever I am going.

5. What inspired you to take part in parkrun? 

How I started taking part in parkrun was I was having a meal on a Friday night with a few of my work colleagues when my boss (Janet Edwards, Practice Manager) said to me “as you have to pick up your car in the morning you can do the parkrun first”. Therefore, that night when I went home to my partner I told him we were going to take part in that before we came home. Since then I have participated in every one of them unless I have had an injury or been ill. My partner now marshal’s every week unless he is working as he had to give up running or walking due to his knee/ankle.

6. What is the best thing about exercising in the outdoors in your local area?

The best thing about exercising in the outdoors is meeting new people all the time even when you don’t know them they say hello.

7. What would you say to anyone thinking of getting fit improving their health and wellbeing this year?

I would say to anyone thinking of getting fit, improving their health and wellbeing to go for it, it has certainly helped me in regard to my back pain and meeting new people.

Want to get involved?

Well done Margret, it’s brilliant that your love of running and exercise has helped improve your back pain. If you suffer from a back pain you can find help here

If you have a ‘PYB Health Hero’ story to share of someone in our Bridgend community who has made a difference to their health and wellbeing email us, we would love to share their story.