Take Part in The UK’s Biggest Cycle To Work Event On Thursday 8th August.

Take Part in The UK’s Biggest Cycle To Work Event On Thursday 8th August.

Since 2012 thousands of keen riders have hit the roads to celebrate to celebrate everyday cycling. Cycle to Work Day is all about encouraging the community to get on their bikes and have fun. The initiative is run by Cycle Scheme’s ‘Lovetoride’ and it is all about just giving it a go. It doesn’t matter if you are an enthusiastic cyclist or a complete beginner that hasn’t ridden a bike in years the challenge is the same… get motivated and get pedalling.


Cycle to Work Day


Get Involved

The 2019 Cycle to Work Day runs on the 8th August. To get involved  you can sign up via Facebook or Strava, or enter your details on the website, then simply connect a phone app to record your rides.

Win Prizes

In addition to being great for your health and the environment, Cycle to Work Day offers the opportunity of wining prizes too! To win you will need to have registered with Lovetoride here and simply record your cycle commute. (add link)

Prizes include:

  • A specialized Turbo Levo Hardtail (RRP: £2,250)
  • A specialized Turbo Vado 4.0 Step-Through (RRP: £2,900)

Making Cycling to Work an Everyday Occurrence

Cycling to work is not just something that we should all be thinking about on Cycle to Work Day however. If we all try and use pedal power instead of taking our cars where possible the benefits are endless. Not only are there the obvious health and fitness benefits, but money will be saved and the environment will benefit.

Using pedal power instead of petrol or diesel power is an easy way to save money on transportation costs and is the ultimate zero emissions vehicle.

If you don’t already own a bike then the thought of outlaying perhaps £1000 on a new bike is probably a bit daunting but did you know that with Cycle Scheme you can save between 25%-39% on the cost of a new bike?

“With Cycle scheme, you pay nothing up front, and then there are 12 monthly payments. If you were looking at a bike and accessories which cost £1,000, the monthly payments are £83.33. You’d pay this amount through salary sacrifice. It’s deducted from your gross salary, not your net earnings. That means you don’t pay income tax or national insurance on the payments you’re making on the bike. This is where the savings come from.

A basic rate taxpayer normally pays 20% income tax and 12% national insurance, so would save 32%. On a £1,000 bike, that’s £320. So the bike is essentially £680 and the 12 monthly payments are £56.67 net.” 



However to take advantage of this scheme you will need to first get your employer to register here.

The Health Benefits of Cycling


Cycling is an aerobic workout that can easily fit into your daily routine. For a 15 minute cycle commute from Monday to Friday you will easily meet the NHS recommended guideline of 150 minutes of exercise per week. As well as helping you maintain a healthy weight a study by the British Medical Journal reports that your cycle commute can also reduce your chances of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%. The NHS also reports that it can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses including type 2 diabetes and stroke. Throw in the feel-good factor and you will also find that cycling can improve your mental health, burn off stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Cycling Club Bridgend

If you are interested in making cycling more of a social experience than why not join the Ogmore Valley Wheelers?

The cycling club welcomes people of all cycling abilities and they meet every Friday at 8pm at their clubroom in Coity for a social night.

The club organises riding events for all types of riders including social rides with a café stop and manageable distances, weekly 10 mile time trials through the summer, coaching and advice, periodic turbo sessions and regular weekend club rides over different distances and routes. They also cater for track riders, road racers, pleasure riders, commuters, time trialists,  mountain bikers and even tandemists. Why not give it a go? Visit their website for more information here.