The Importance of Having Your Flu Vaccine This Year

The Importance of Having Your Flu Vaccine This Year

Are you over 65?IMPORTANT!

Flu clinics have now been scheduled at our PYB health surgeries from late September for the over 65’s.

As we head into the winter season we are making our influenza (flu) immunisation a priority. This is to protect those who are at risk of co-infection with flu and COVID-19. The flu programme is a strategic priority. As well as protecting those at risk from flu in the coming season it will help to ensure that the opportunity for co-circulation of flu and COVID-19 is kept to a minimum.

Although the Flu vaccine will not protect you directly from COVID-19 it will protect you from flu. The more people that have the flu vaccine the less pressure will be put on the NHS in dealing with both outbreaks this winter.

Should I have a flu vaccine?

If you are aged 65 years or over then YES you should have a vaccine.

Please pick up the phone and call your surgery to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

We are expecting a high demand for appointments so please don’t leave it until another day!


Pencoed Medical Centre –  01656 867900


Bridgend Group Practice

Ashfield Surgery –  01656 652774 

Newcastle Surgery –  01656 652721


Oaktree Surgery –  01656 665353


Riversdale Surgery –  01656 766866



All safety procedures will be in place to keep you safe at the clinics. Everything will be clearly signposted and there will be hand sanitiser for you to use. Please, if you are able to do so, wear a mask to help protect our staff and other patients.


Those at clinical risk aged under 65

Those most at risk from flu are also those most at risk from COVID-19. In recent years, there has been relatively low uptake of flu vaccine, at less than 50%, in those at clinical risk aged under 65 years. A number of these groups have been particularly affected by COVID-19 including those with cardiovascular, respiratory, kidney or liver disease, diabetes and adults who are morbidly obese.


I am at clinical risk and under 65 – should I get a flu vaccine?

YES if you have been shielding since the COVID-19 outbreak due to underlying health conditions then you will also be eligible for a vaccine

Our clinics are now scheduling appointments – Please call to book an appointment for a flu vaccine at your local clinic. If you are classed as an at risk patient you will be contacted by the practice and will be encouraged to attend. However if you are reading this and think you need a flu jab then please don’t wait for us to contact you – you can call our surgery to book an appointment.

Pencoed Medical Centre –  01656 867900


Bridgend Group Practice

Ashfield Surgery –  01656 652774 

Newcastle Surgery –  01656 652721


Oaktree Surgery –  01656 665353


Riversdale Surgery –  01656 766866


If you are not sure if you are eligible then you can get in touch with your doctor via our online e-consult service.

Ashfield Surgery, Newcastle Surgery, Oak Tree Surgery, New Surgery Pencoed, Riversdale Surgery


Who else is being encouraged to get a flu jab?

In 2020-21, groups eligible for the NHS flu vaccination programme are the same as last year and in summary include:

• children aged two and three years on 31 August 2020

• people aged 65 years and older

• people aged six months to less than 65 years in clinical risk groups

• pregnant women

• people living in care homes or other long-stay care facilities 6

• carers

• close contacts of immunocompromised individuals


Can I get a vaccine if I am over 50?

Over 50’s will also be eligible to have the vaccine however the roll out of the vaccine will be phased to make sure that the most vulnerable are protected first.

“I would urge anyone who is eligible to have the vaccine. Everyone who is eligible for a NHS flu vaccine should be confident about having it to protect themselves and those around them this winter. Those already eligible, which include some of the most vulnerable in our community will receive the vaccination first and via a phased approach our programme will be rolled out further to the over 50s and households of those shielding.”

Chief Medical Officer for Wales Frank Atherton

IMPORTANT! At PYB Health we will update and advise through our social channels when we are booking appointments for those over 50.